Singing Guide: The Flying Machine

Singing Guide: The Flying Machine

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Flying Machine

The Flying Machine was an English pop classic rock band from the early 1970s. They became famous for their 1971 hit "Smile a Little Smile for Me", which reached number 5 on the US Billboard Hot 100. The lead vocalist of the band was Steve Jones, who had a unique vocal style that incorporated whispery tones and falsetto. In this article, we'll explore ways to learn singing like Steve Jones of The Flying Machine.

Analyze Your Voice

The first step to learning how to sing like Steve Jones is to analyze your own voice. Singing Carrots has an article on how to analyze your voice that can help with this. Pay attention to your vocal range and any unique qualities that you have in your voice.

Focus on Breath Support

Steve Jones' unique vocal style was often characterized by his use of breathy tones and falsetto. To achieve this, you'll need to focus on breath support. Singing Carrots has an article on breath support that can help with this. Remember to take deep breaths and engage your diaphragm when you sing.

Warm Up Your Voice

Before you start singing, warm up your voice with exercises that focus on your vocal range. Singing Carrots has a vocal range test that can help you determine your range. Once you know your range, use exercises that focus on expanding it. Singing Carrots has a pitch training game that will help you with this.

Focus on Technique

Steve Jones was known for his use of whispery tones and falsetto. To learn how to sing like him, you'll need to focus on using these techniques effectively. Singing Carrots has an article on voice registers that can help with this. Pay attention to your range and try to use your head voice and falsetto effectively.

Study The Flying Machine's Songs

To really learn how to sing like Steve Jones, you'll need to study The Flying Machine's songs. A great way to do this is to search songs by vocal range. Look for songs that showcase Steve Jones' unique style, such as "Smile a Little Smile for Me". Singing Carrots has a songbook feature that can help you with this.


By analyzing your voice, focusing on breath support, warming up your voice, practicing technique, and studying The Flying Machine's songs, you'll be well on your way to learning how to sing like Steve Jones. Don't forget to also look into Singing Carrots' educational singing course, as well as all of the articles, exercise videos, and tools that they offer. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.